The Wivenhoe May Fair returns on
12-6pm Saturday 26 May 2012 to the King George V Playing Fields in Wivenhoe, Essex.
Full details here...
The May Fair 2012 will be raising money for:
Friends of Russ Foundation
East Anglian Childrens Hospice
Colchester and Tendring Womens Refuge
Colchester Night Shelter
Colchester CAB
Wivenhoe Helping Hands
Transition Town Wivenhoe
Open Road - SOS bus project
Please give generously on the day as it makes a big difference to these local charities.
More about the May Fair charities...
Market and stalls
Markets are now fully booked for 2012.
Stallholders who have already booked and paid for their pitch will be receiving a pitch pass and full instructions approx 2 weeks before the event.
Any urgent enquiries before then should be addressed to the markets email.