Wivenhoe May Fair

Wivenhoe May Fair

12-6pm Bank Holiday Monday 31 May 2010

12-6pm Saturday 26 May 2012

Welcome to the Wivenhoe May Fair website


The Wivenhoe May Fair returns on 12-6pm Saturday 26 May 2012 to the King George V Playing Fields in Wivenhoe, Essex.

Full details here...
The May Fair 2012 will be raising money for:

Friends of Russ Foundation


East Anglian Childrens Hospice

Colchester and Tendring Womens Refuge

Colchester Night Shelter

Colchester CAB

Wivenhoe Helping Hands

Transition Town Wivenhoe


Open Road - SOS bus project

Please give generously on the day as it makes a big difference to these local charities.

More about the May Fair charities...

Contact us

You can contact us at info@wivenhoemayfair.com for more information.

You can also contact us through our MySpace profile at www.myspace.com/wivenhoemayfair or our Facebook group

Performing at the May Fair

Please send your MySpace profile or details but do not send mp3 files as the email server will block them:

Main Stage - booking@wivenhoemayfair.com
Sunrise Stage - booking@wivenhoemayfair.com
Cinema Tent - info@wivenhoemayfair.com